3 Cybersecurity Solutions That Can Help Avoid Costly Downtime

May 10, 2021 | Blog

No matter what business you’re in, you probably rely on a bunch of online tools and services to keep things moving. From team chat apps to customer support systems, losing access to your network can leave you scrambling to put out fires. What starts as one little hiccup can quickly snowball into a full-on disaster — productivity plummets, workflows get backed up, and customers start losing faith faster than you can say, “Our system’s down.” According to Gartner, even one minute of downtime can cost your business an eye-watering average of $540,000 an hour. Yikes!

Whether it’s a power outage, natural disaster, or someone tripping over the power cord (it happens), no business can afford to deal with the chaos that comes with system downtime. The good news? You can lower your risk of downtime — and the hefty price tag that comes with it — by investing in some good ol’ preventative maintenance. Check out these three cybersecurity solutions to keep things running smoothly without breaking the bank. And don’t worry, Sawyer Solutions has your back.

1. Spot Trouble Before It Happens with a Risk Assessment

Want to protect your business from downtime disasters? Start by figuring out where your biggest risks are hiding. A risk assessment helps you get a clear view of what’s threatening your key assets, operations, and intellectual property. It’s like a health check-up for your IT systems. You’ll review your current cybersecurity setup, analyze threats and vulnerabilities, and come up with a game plan to beef up your defenses. It’s efficient, cost-effective, and your best bet for staying ahead of the curve.

2. Fortify Your Business with a Multi-Layered Cybersecurity Strategy

When it comes to cybersecurity, more layers = better protection. Think of it like fortifying your castle with multiple walls, moats, and maybe even a fire-breathing dragon (okay, maybe not the dragon). Instead of relying on just one type of security, you can create a multi-layered approach that covers everything: firewalls, data backups, cloud security, and even mobile device protection. This way, any gaps in one layer are covered by another, giving hackers less room to work with. Start by reviewing your current IT infrastructure, identifying weak spots, and building a security system that covers all the bases.

3. Make Your Employees Cybersecurity Superheroes with Training

Even with all the tech in the world, human error is still a major culprit in cybersecurity breaches (we’re looking at you, 95%). If your employees don’t know how to spot a cyberthreat, they won’t know how to avoid or report one. But with the right training, they can become your first line of defense. From phishing scams to malware, educating your team on how to recognize and handle cyberthreats can close one of the biggest security gaps in your business. The key is ongoing, customized training tailored to your company’s needs.

Ready to Lock Down Your Business and Avoid Costly Downtime?

Investing upfront in solid cybersecurity measures is the best way to protect your operations — and your wallet — from unplanned downtime. At Sawyer Solutions, we’ll help you identify potential threats, build a multi-layered defense system, and train your employees to be cybersecurity pros. Get in touch with one of our security experts today, and let’s keep your business running like a well-oiled machine!