Why Your Business Needs a Disaster Recovery Plan
In today’s digital world, we rely on our technology more than ever before. That’s why it’s so important to protect your data and systems. To keep your business safe, you need a disaster recovery plan.
According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, one in five businesses doesn’t have a disaster recovery plan. That means 20% of businesses could seriously struggle if they experience a disaster. And these disasters aren’t just limited to storms or earthquakes—they also include cyberattacks, network outages, and good old human error. That’s why having a plan in place for these situations is key.
Let’s go over a few simple steps to help you create your disaster recovery plan.
Four Simple Steps to Creating Your Disaster Recovery Plan
Step 1: Run a Business Impact Analysis
Start by running a business impact analysis on your current processes. This will help you find any gaps or vulnerabilities in your business. Once you’ve identified those weak spots, you’ll have the information you need to start building a strong disaster recovery strategy.
Step 2: Identify Your Critical Business Functions
Using the results from your analysis, identify and document your most critical business functions. How would your business handle a disaster? Which parts of your operations need improvement? Once you know this, you can focus on strengthening the most vulnerable areas.
Step 3: Develop Your Disaster Recovery Plan
Now, it’s time to start building your disaster recovery plan. For your plan to be successful, make sure to organize recovery teams, create points of contact for disaster situations, and write clear procedures for what to do if disaster strikes. And don’t forget—communicate these procedures with your entire team!
Step 4: Test Your Plan & Train Your Team
Finally, it’s time to put your plan to the test. Running mock disaster scenarios will help you make sure there are no gaps in your plan. Once you’re confident that everything is solid, train your team on the procedures so they’re ready if the worst happens.
Final Thoughts
Having a solid disaster recovery plan can give you peace of mind knowing your data is safe and secure. But we get it—developing a plan can be a big, time-consuming task. That’s where we come in! Our experts can assess your IT infrastructure, identify vulnerabilities, and create and test a disaster recovery plan for you.
At Sawyer Solutions LLC, our IT pros are here to help you protect your business. Looking for more tips on disaster recovery and cybersecurity? Check out our other blogs in the resources section.