Double Your Security with Two-factor Authentication

Double Your Security with Two-factor Authentication

Imagine a dark room, where a mysterious unknown person in a hoodie, illuminated by the glow from a computer screen, typing furiously away at a keyboard. He knows your email address and password and has entered it in.  Now all sorts of malicious intent is going...
Don’t Let the Zoom Bug Catch You

Don’t Let the Zoom Bug Catch You

Zoom, for those who don’t know, is an online meeting platform. It is very easy to use and even has a free version you can use. It has become immensely popular in the current crisis as a way for virtual meetings to happen and let people see each other with webcams as...

Does Your ISP Provided Firewall Contain a Hidden Backdoor?

One thing we always advise our clients to do is to procure their own firewall. In fact, we’ve written an entire blog post about different types of firewalls. Our reasoning for suggesting having your own firewall is that your internet provider doesn’t always take the...
Do I Really Need a Server?

Do I Really Need a Server?

Businesses often ask us if they really need a server and the short answer for a small business is, “Generally no, but sometimes yes.”In the olden days, you really needed a Windows server to do just about anything in a business, even a small business. Your email, your...